Williams Middle School is dedicated to the overall school district mission of ensuring all students excel in learning, succeed in life, and enrich our community. In addition, we are committed to supporting a successful transition from childhood to early adolescence. As mentors of change – personally, academically and socially, we will strive to:
Create an environment for learning that develops a spirit of inquiry, encourages personal excellence, and fosters self-esteem.
Support and encourage each individual to reach his/her potential.
Provide a highly motivated and supportive staff, and a strong, diverse curriculum that recognizes and accommodates individual learning styles.
Foster a community (climate) of understanding, compassion, and respect.
"All students, regardless of race, color, sex, gender identity, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, disability, or homelessness, have equal access to the general education program and the full range of any occupational or vocational programs offered by the district."
Feb 25- Grade 8 HS Preview @LHS
March 14 - 1/2 Day Students (dismissal 11:30am)
April 8 + 9 - ELA
April 29 + 30 - Civics (8th Grade)
May 13 + 14 - Math
May 20 + 21 - Science (8th Grade)
Accurate recording of student attendance is required per the state. Please complete all information requested below to report your child absent. Students are responsible for following up with their teachers to make up any work they may have missed during their absence. Please call 565-4260 for assistance if you have questions regarding an absence.
School Schedule:
School begins promptly at 8:30 am and ends at 2:50 pm.
Students may enter the building at 8:25 am. Students arriving prior to 8:25 can gather in the cafeteria.
School Report Card and Improvement Plan
Please see the document tbelow with a message about our District Report Card. To view the schools complete report card, please follow this link
Longmeadow Public Schools is pleased to provide the students and families of Longmeadow with a K-8 Student Handbook that articulates parent and student rights and responsibilities and serves as a disciplinary code of conduct. We believe that this handbook is a reflection of our deep commitment to establishing safe, supportive, and orderly learning environments where the expectations for staff and students are clear and widely understood. Additionally, we view this handbook as a reflection of the District’s firm and enduring commitment to creating schools that are welcoming, inclusive and free from discrimination, harassment and bullying. We hope that this document serves our families as a valuable reference and guide to the statutes, regulations, policies and practices that govern the operation of our schools.
The 2024-2025 Handbook is available here and on the WMS and LPS District Website under the Parents tab.